2. Hicham Vanborm
Hicham is the coordinator of a non-profit association working in healthcare.
“Brussels should be cleaner, more pleasant, and healthier. We have to make sure we take everyone along, and not just the happy few. It is Forward. Or it's backwards. It's up to you!

Brussels is at a turning point.
Our city has made tremendous progress over the past 20 years, in many areas.
But lately something has been wrong.
Ordinary things seem to have become impossible:
An affordable home,
a teacher in the classroom, a place in a daycare centre,
being able to move around the city safely and freely,
or streets without trash. How hard can that be!?
Brussels must not stand still. We are not leaving anyone behind.
2024 must be the year when we step up the pace again.
And tackle what is going wrong.
Taking action and responsibility, that's us.
You and no one else will soon choose what the future will look like.
And that choice is very simple.
It is Forward for Brussels.
Or it's backwards.
It's up to you!