3. Meriama Berrabhi

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Meriama was born and raised in Brussels. She has been working with young children as a childminder for 20 years, and she’s also a mother. She knows the challenges faced by the childcare sector better than anyone, and she’s aware of the importance of the first thousand days in the child’s development. 

“I fight for qualitative and affordable childcare. Every child deserves to make a good start in life, and that starts in daycare.” 

My political commitment  

Nine children per childminder is too many to be able to fulfil the needs of the littlest ones. We need to create growth opportunities for children. That’s why we need more affordable places, extra support and training for childminders and a better ratio children/minder. I believe that’s the only way we can have a positive impact on the growth and development of the youngest generation. 


My dream for Brussels 

My dream for Brussels is a city where every child, regardless of their background, has access to quality daycare. I see the future Brussels as a place where children don’t just take their first steps, but where they can grow up without worries but with all the chances they deserve. A city where childminders have the resources and the support they need to do their valuable work.