5. Thomas Anciaux

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According to Thomas, the bicycle - along with public transport - is the preferred mode of transport in the Brussels for the future. Because Brussels is still too much a city for cars. 

"I dream of Brussels as a true cycling city. A Brussels where the public space is optimised and green. With car-free squares, avenues, playgrounds and parks where you can enjoy strolling. So that Brussels becomes a safe and child-friendly environment." 


I am Thomas, a 24-year-old Brussels citizen, who recently moved to Sint-Gillis. There, I am helping to organise the "Kidical Mass", the festive child-sized bicycle parade. My goal is to get more children, and also their parents, on their bikes. In my day job, I work as a project coordinator in a children's book publishing company. Our goal is to create books that are qualitative and affordable.

Finally, I am extremely interested in public spaces. Because we need to make Brussels a clean, safe and pleasant city. Where we can feel safe and seen on the road and in all places, at all times.