1. Zeynep Balci

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Zeynep is a political scientist and spokesperson for Minister-President Rudi Vervoort. As the president of Regenboogrood, the LGBT-network of Vooruit, she fights for equal opportunities for all, regardless of their origin, their religion, their colour, their ethnicity, or their sexual orientations.  

“I love people. I want to give a voice to anyone who can’t make themselves heard. A clean and safe city, accessible for all, should be evident, not a luxury.” 

I have been living in Brussels for 20 years. My grandfather came to Belgium to work in the coal mines. It was a tough job, but he did everything to give opportunities to his family. And that’s where my story starts. I was born and raised in Brussels, an immigrant’s child. My studies took me to Brussels. A choice that I’m still happy about. Even though many things should be improved. 

I’m aware of the difficulties experienced by disadvantaged population groups. Often, you need to prove yourself twice as much, you don’t always have a network that can guide you to studies, passions, or a decent job. But I see talent, lots of talent. I want every child in Brussels to seize opportunities, but first to receive these opportunities.  

Education is the key to make talent grow. That’s why I fight, together with Hannelore, for strong education.  

Zeynep is always up for a challenge: climbing, diving, lindy hop, singing classes, running competitions, pole dancing, Japanese ink painting, self-defence classes...you name it, there are few things she hasn’t tried yet. name it, weinig dingen die ze nog niet geprobeerd heeft.